Unmatched repeatability, incredibly intuitive software, and a wide range of available options allow you to meet your customers demands today while building in the flexibility to accommodate applications of tomorrow. The best part? We have these machines in-stock, ready for quick delivery.
Whether you're producing new cutting tools or regrinding, the WALTER HELITRONIC POWER 400 grinding machine, paired with our standard-setting ToolStudio software, will give your operation the flexibility, repeatability, and workpiece quality like you've never experienced. This machine is also available in a "DIAMOND" model, which comes equipped with an erosion wheel for machining solid PCD, or PCD-tipped tools.
When a customer is so passionate about the technology, service, and support they're willing to share their story with the world, this is something special. Watch the below video to hear what Naoya Takamasa, president and Luke Uncapher, plant manager at KNB Tools of America have to say about their WALTER machines.